Tuesday, August 27, 2013

J's Diary is here!

With the planning, diy-ing and actual party of Jaeyen's 1st Birthday concluding, it also means the arrival of J's Diary! Yay...Why start the diary only after J is 1 and not the day he was born? The reason is simple; For his 1st year, I did up a scrapbook consisting of snippets of his growth starting from the day I knew I was pregnant with him. And since it's really time consuming to keep up with the scrapbook for the years to come, I thought an online diary would be a great solution! This way, when J grows up, he will be able to look back at his childhood.

My objectives for this online diary are as follows:

(1) A record of J's growth from 1 years old on.
(2) Fun & Learning we do together.
(3) Record recipes for babies & toddlers, book reviews & tips for mum/mums-to-be

Honestly, although it has only been a year being a mum, I can't seem to remember the exact details of what really happened in the first few months after J was born. So by keeping this diary, it will be a good source of information should the 2nd one comes along in the near future. :)

How did the name 'J's Diary' come about? As you probably can already guess...my name starts with J, my boy's name also starts with J and of course, should baby number 2 come along, his/her name will also start with J. And the letter 's' is part of my hubby's name... So wala......absolutely appropriate...so here we go...

With this, I end my first post! Stay tune for more exciting adventures to come! :)

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