Saturday, September 14, 2013


J went for his 1st dose of the MMR vaccination today, scheduled to be given when he turns 1 year old.  It has been a long time since his last vaccination and I can definitely say that he has matured into a brave little toddler! Not that he didn't used to be brave, but this time he took it really well and he didn't even cry. After coming out from the vaccination room, he was so eager to get back to playing that we didn't even get a photo of him. He was too preoccupied with the toys at the play area in the clinic. :)

I think vaccinations are exceptionally important at this stage because babies are usually more susceptible to germs and diseases compared to adults.

Being overseas, scheduling the vaccinations is an added challenge for us. Every country has its own set of mandatory vaccines all babies have to take. However, different countries bring in their vaccines from various sources that may not be the exact one that your home country is offering.

Each time J is due for a vaccination, we will have to research on the internet or get the information through friends in Singapore on the name of the vaccines and its manufacturer. These are very crucial information as we do not want to risk having J take a vaccine that is of a different variant as what is required. We also try to ask to keep the vaccine's packaging, just for our own reference.

Sometimes, it may be a necessity to fly back as some vaccines may not be available in your host country, as in the case of the pneumococcal vaccine for J. It is compulsory for all babies in Singapore but not in Vietnam, so this is not available in the International clinics. Fortunately, Vietnam is only a 2h flight away from Singapore so we could make arrangements to visit our families and bring J for his vaccination.

Usually after a dose of vaccination, look out for signs of unusual irritability, rash or very high fever. If this happens, do consult your local paediatricians as soon as possible.

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